Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ruth's Weed Garden

Yes,... Yes... I know, it's been a few days. Sew sue me. LOL - Get it? I've actually been busy gardening, or cleaning up the surrounding grounds so I CAN garden... and I've had a few dear friends helping, for whom I am very grateful, and we're making progress! We burned a few piles of branches, leaves, and other cuttings, and removed a LOT of weeds, oh, and did I mention weeding?

Yah, lots of that... so much so, that I was inspired to create a new piece called Ruth's Weed Garden. Here it is...I contemplated naming it Weeds of the World, all sewn with the same thread... but that seemed too long and needed explaining, so Ruth's Weed Garden won out. So there you have it, today's post is my weed garden, I'd much rather keep it online and in quilt pieces, than in my front yard.

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